Welcome to If You Knew Me, a podcast show about the inner lives of women.
These are stories that women don't easily share. Even with our closest friends and family, these are stories about what's really going on in women's lives. It could be their desires, anxieties, or secrets.
Jamie Yuenger is the host of the show. She's been in radio production and filmmaking for over a decade, but it wasn't until she told her own story that she realized just how empowering and how liberating it can be to tell your story.
We created this show because we think that women can help embolden and heal one another simply through sharing their truth.
In 'If You Knew Me' women tell first person non narrated stories. They are often moving frequently. Funny. It's no pretense, no bullshit stuff.
Most of the episodes run between 10 and 20 minutes.
Each guest has the option to share her real name or to remain anonymous. We find the best stories that way. Be in touch, if you have one.
See below for a full transcript of this trailer.
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*Join us at $5/month before May 1, 2022 and you’ll receive 8 original wallpaper designs for your phone or tablet.
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TALK TO US: If you have a topic or guest idea you would like us to consider, send us a message. Or, connect with us on Instagram and Facebook.
For a full transcript of this trailer, see below.
This episode was produced by Jamie Yuenger and Piet Hurkmans.
Music in this episode by Blue Dot Sessions.
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Jamie: Hi, I'm Jamie Yuenger. And I'm the host of this podcast 'If You Knew Me', a show about the inner lives of women. These are stories that women don't easily share. Even with our closest friends and family, these are stories about what's really going on in women's lives. It could be their desires, anxieties, or secrets.
We created this show because we think that women can help embolden and heal one another simply through sharing their truth.
Women tell first person non narrated stories. They are often moving frequently. Funny. It's no pretense, no bullshit stuff. most of the episodes run between 10 and 20 minutes because Hey, that's about all the time we have to devote. Right.
Each guest has the option to share her real name or to remain anonymous. We find the best stories that way. Be in touch, if you have one. We hope you'll listen and subscribe to 'If You Knew Me', you can listen on your favorite platform or visit our website ifyouknewme.show